

中共大使館利用當地報紙報導其聲明,企圖對輿論和民眾產生影響,卻再次引發了輿論對新唐人華人新年晚會的關注。“守衛加拿大”(Defend Canada)在其博克中的評論很具代表性,一針見血指出中共這一舉動的性質:“顯然,中(共)國感到他們可以在加拿大的國土上指令加拿大人,什麼允許、什麼不允許發生。”“守衛加拿大”在博克中稱自己對中共的抨擊是“加拿大政府不公開講的話”,並嚴正指出“中共沒有權利發號施令──什麼可以、什麼不可以發生在加拿大的國土上。”












So here is my message to our government: despite it's so-called diplomatic "urging", China has no right or business dictating what can or cannot occur on Canadian soil. Our country believes in the freedom of speech, and with the exception of the Liberal ranks that have vested private business interests with China - no one here cares what China thinks.

If the Chinese embassy had any sense or understanding of how the free media operates, they would understand that by objecting publicly to this they have brought attention to it. People would not pay attention to the depiction of Falun Gong oppression, or further care about the so-called 'cult' if China didn't make such a big deal out of it in the first place.

So congratulations you ass backwards communist pigs, now we are watching. But don't think for a second we are going to bend over backwards because you demand it.

In my opinion there is no reason to apologize or otherwise back peddle on this issue. China has crossed a line here, and I for one am not happy about it.

Defend Canada

The statement warned that China was opposed to officials from any country participating in the event -- an apparent reference to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who wrote a greeting letter published in the program for the show that was billed as a celebration of the Chinese New Year.

I am going to deliver the message China deserves, but our government could not dare say aloud. China, suck my icy Canadian wang.

So, why am I being so rudimentary? Well, apparently China feels that they can somehow direct Canadians on what is and is not allowed to occur on Canadian soil.