美国会一致通过决议 吁停止对法轮功的迫害 (附188号决议案中英文全文)
【慧园】法轮大法信息中心2002年7月29日讯── 美国国会7月24日以420票赞成0票反对一致通过第188号决议案,敦促中国江泽民政府停止迫害法轮功。在7月22日晚针对该决议的辩论会上,多位国会议员表示,江泽民集团是世界上最恶劣的人权违反者之一。

提案发起人国会议员伊莲娜.罗斯雷婷恩(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)女士指出,中国江泽民集团对法轮功的迫害是“极其恐怖和非人道的”。她特别提到镇压运动中对妇女儿童的虐待,例举27岁的法轮功学员王丽萱和其8个月大的婴孩在北京团河劳教所惨遭虐杀一案。她说:“邪恶唯一胜利的机会就是世界上所有善良的人们无动于衷。”

来自新泽西的国会议员Mr. SMITH说:“江泽民集团是世界上最恶劣的人权违反者之一。”他指出:法轮功信奉真善忍,无数事实证明:法轮功是和平的。中国独裁者1999年发起的这场对法轮功的“野蛮迫害”的原因很明显:九十年代中期,法轮功学员的人数开始超过共产党员的人数。“象所有的独裁者一样,中国江泽民集团惧怕和仇恨它无法控制的一切,它就试图威胁并摧毁法轮功学员的信仰。”他呼吁美国政府立即行动起来,制止迫害。

国会议员Mr. ROHRABACHER说: “任何人遇到法轮功,您会发现,法轮功学员都是如此善良的人,他们对人友好诚实。可是因为这个,他们竟成了地球上最残酷的(江泽民)政权的攻击目标。”他提醒到:“残酷的事实表明,中国北京的共产党(江泽民)政权是一个毫无人性和令人恐怖的政权。成千上万的法轮功学员被抓被打,几百人被迫害致死。大家想想:他们都是善良的人啊。正是这个中国共产党(江泽民)政权对人性犯下了如此强暴的、丑恶的罪行。”他呼吁:“美国人民应该站在那些善良的并努力善待他人的中国人民一边,而那些拿着枪,把他们的脚踩在同胞的脸上的中国人不是我们的朋友。我们必须明确的正告中国(江泽民)政权,我们的国家不能容忍他们这样的行为,任何违反人性的人都要对他们的行为负责。”

国会议员Ms. WOOLSEY则称,法轮功学员因为他们对真善忍和平信仰的坚信被抓被打被杀害,“这是绝对不能让人接受的。”她另外指出:“全美各地很多政府官员在当地社区曾提出各项议案帮助法轮功学员申明他们言论自由和信仰自由的权利。令人气愤的是,这些地方官员都不同程度受到来自中国官方(江泽民集团)的压力,要求他们撤回和取消对法轮功的正义支持。对于美国这样一个民主国家,崇尚言论自由和信仰自由,中国(江泽民政府)的上述行为是绝对不能接受的。”她表示在本星期未来几天里,她会提出另一项议案专门陈诉中国干涉美国各地内务的问题。

来自德克萨斯的国会议员Ms. JACKSON-LEE 说:“让我来问个问题,还有多久,还有多久,这场迫害才能结束?当每天都有法轮功学员在中国遭迫害被殴打,这个世界还会沉默多久?在Houston,我曾和中国官方代表一起工作,我曾在他们关心的问题上给他们帮助。但是,每次我经过那个办公室附近,我都看到那些法轮功学员安静无声地在那里抗议。他们每天都在那里,他们在那里,让美国人民看到他们的痛苦,他们需要帮助。”

国会议员Ms. SCHAKOWSKY说:“法轮功信奉真善忍,他们遵循这个原则以期达到身心健康。令我费解的是,中国(江泽民)政府在九十年代初还在支持法轮功,为什么到后来竟如此的反对这个平和的运动。当我获悉法轮功学员被打被关押被酷刑加身,我感到格外震惊。这种迫害不仅仅局限在中国,有报道说,最近在美国的法轮功学员也遭人身攻击。看到无辜的人民因为他们的信仰而被迫害,是一种痛苦。当我们进入新的历史纪元,我们有如此多的机会使这个世界更美好,这是我们的责任,共同到达这个目的。”

188决议由佛罗里达州国会议员、国会外交委员会国际运作和人权小组委员会主席伊莲娜.罗斯雷婷恩(Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)女士提议,先后得到超过100位议员的共同签署,并在最后投票中以420:0一致通过。

附:美国第107届国会众议院第188号决议案(中英文) (下载决议案PDF文件(英文))












(1) 中华人民共和国(江氏集团)政府应该停止对法轮功学员的迫害;其在美国的外交官应该停止对修炼法轮功的美国公民和居民的骚扰,并停止其向美国官员施压以使其拒绝或收回对法轮功及其修炼者的支持;

(2) 美国政府应该通过所有适当的公开和私下的场合要求中华人民共和国(江氏集团)政府:

(A) 释放所有被关押的法轮功学员,并停止对他们及其他良心犯进行酷刑折磨及其它残酷非人、侮辱人格的对待;并且
(B) 遵守国际民权和政治权利公约和国际人权宣言,允许法轮功学员追求他们的个人信仰;并且

(3) 美国政府应该调查中华人民共和国(江氏集团)政府及其外交官对修炼法轮功的美国公民和居民及支持法轮功的美国官员进行骚扰的非法行为;对那些在美国国土上进行非法活动的这类政府代表和机构必须采取包括诉诸于移民法等在内的适当行动。


Whereas Falun Gong is a peaceful and nonviolent form of personal belief and practice with millions of adherents in the People's Republic of China and elsewhere; (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)


2d Session
H. CON. RES. 188

Whereas Falun Gong is a peaceful and nonviolent form of personal belief and practice with millions of adherents in the People's Republic of China and elsewhere;

Whereas the Government of the People's Republic of China has forbidden Falun Gong practitioners to practice their beliefs, and has systematically attempted to eradicate the practice and those who follow it;

Whereas this policy violates the Constitution of the People's Republic of China as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

Whereas Jiang Zemin's regime has created notorious government “610” offices throughout the People's Republic of China with the special task of overseeing the persecution of Falun Gong members through organized brainwashing, torture, and murder;

Whereas propaganda from state-controlled media in the People's Republic of China has inundated the public in an attempt to breed hatred and discrimination;

Whereas the number of known deaths from torture has reached 422 so far, tens of thousands have been tortured while confined in labor camps, prisons, and mental hospitals, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to attend brainwashing classes;

Whereas official measures have been taken to conceal all atrocities, such as the immediate cremation of victims, the blocking of autopsies, and the false labeling of deaths as from suicide or natural causes;

Whereas women in particular have been the target of numerous forms of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, and forced abortion;

Whereas the campaign of persecution has been generated by the Government of the People's Republic of China, is carried out by government officials and police at all levels, and has permeated every segment of society and every level of government in the People's Republic of China; and

Whereas several United States citizens and permanent resident aliens have been subjected to arbitrary detention, imprisoned, and tortured in the People's Republic of China: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that—
(1) the Government of the People's Republic of China should cease its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and its representatives in the United States should cease their harassment of citizens and residents of the United States who practice Falun Gong and cease their attempts to put pressure on officials of State and local governments in the United States to refuse or withdraw support for the Falun Gong and its practitioners;

(2) the United States Government should use every appropriate public and private forum to urge the Government of the People's Republic of China--

(A) to release from detention all Falun Gong practitioners and put an end to the practices of torture and other cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment against them and other prisoners of conscience; and
(B) to abide by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by allowing Falun Gong practitioners to pursue their personal beliefs; and

(3) the United States Government should investigate allegations of illegal activities in the United States of the Government of the People's Republic of China and its representatives and agents, including allegations of unlawful harassment of United States citizens and residents who practice Falun Gong and of officials of State and local governments in the United States who support Falun Gong, and should take appropriate action, including but not limited to enforcement of the immigration laws, against any such representatives or agents who engage in such illegal activities.

Passed the House of Representatives July 24, 2002.



2d Session

H. CON. RES. 188


Expressing the sense of Congress that the Government of the People's Republic of China should cease its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.